An angsty kid meet some new friends in this heartbreaking tale of whiny smokers cussing a lot.
2008 - New York - Challenged, but retained for the 11th grade Regents English classes in Depew despite concerns about graphic language and sexual content. The school sent parents a letter requesting permission to use the novel and only 3 students were denied permission.
2012 - Tennessee - Challenged as required reading for Knox County High Schools' Honors and as Advanced Placement outside readings for English II because of "inappropriate language." School Superintendent Dr. James P. McIntyre, Jr. said that a parent identified this as an issue and the book was removed from the required reading list. He didn't say whether the book was still in the schools.
Colorado - Parents of Fort Lupton Middle and High School challenged the books use in a 9th grade classrooms for sexual and alcohol content
Tennessee - Banned as required reading for Sumner County schools by the director of schools because of a sex scene that was "a bit much" and "inappropriate language." The book was retained in the libraries.
2014 - New Jersey - Challenged in the Verona High School curriculum because a parent found the sexual nature of the story inappropriate.
2015 - Wisconsin - Challenged, but retained in the Waukesha South High School despite claims the book is "too racy to read."
Kentucky - Marion County parent complained about book being included on 12th grade english, "calls the novel “filth” and lists his fear that the book would tempt students “to experiment with pornography, sex, drugs, alcohol and profanity.”" The book was removed from circulation until the school committee reached a decision. "Another resident has written to the local paper describing the novel as “mental pornography” and detailing the number of times the “‘f’ word” is used (16) and the the “‘sh’ word” is used (27)."
New Jersey - Challenged, but retained in the Lumberton Township middle school despite a parent questioning its "sexual content."
Doyle, Robert P. Banned Books: Challenging Our Freedom to Read. ALA. 2014.
Guardian - John Green fights back against banning of Looking for Alaska
Guardian - US battle over banning Looking for Alaska continues in Kentucky
Marshall University Libraries - Banned Books - Looking for Alaska
National Coalation Against Censorship - Looking for Alaska Under Fire in Kentucky - N.J. school district bans John Green's 'Looking for Alaska'
Office of Intellectual Freedom Blog - Here and Here
School Library Journal - Ban on John Green’s ‘Looking for Alaska’ Sparks Anger
School Library Journal - John Green Says ‘Looking for Alaska’ Challenged by Colorado Parents