Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry by Mildred D. Taylor

From the deep Depression-era south is a story of hope and hatred and one family's story.


1993 - Louisiana - Arcadia High School removed from ninth-grade reading list for racial bias.

1998 - California - Challenged at O'Hara Park Middle School in Oakley for "racial epithets."

2000 - Alabama - Challenged at Chapman Elementary School libraries in Huntsville for "racial slurs in dialogue to make points about racism."

2004 - Florida - Challenged but retained at Seminole County school curriculum after an African American family raised concerns about the book, finding it inappropriate for their thirteen-year-old son.


Crowe, Chris. "Mildred D.Taylor." The Mississippi writer's Page. University of Mississippi, 2015. Retrieved 8 Dec 2017 from

Doyle, Robert P. "Roll of Thunder Hear My Cry." Banned Books: Challenging Our Freedom to Read. ALA, 2014.

Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry
By Mildred D. Taylor

William Tyndale's New Testament

The library delves into the Gospel of Matthew with this biblical translation that brought Jesus to the English masses and totally got the author murdered by the state.


1526 - England - As the first English-language version of the New Testament, it was also the first print book banned in England. Translating the original Greek and Hebrew into present speech was illegal. Tyndale tried to publish it in Cologne in 1525 and succeeded in 1526 in Worms anonymously. Six thousand copies were smuggled into England and and publically burned. One copy survived in the library of Baptist College in Bristol. Reprints were continually published despite ban.

1534 - England - Church authorities attempted to extradite Tyndale from Europe. He continued publishing revisions under his own name before being arrested in 1535. He was imprisoned, strangled at the stake, and burned with copies of his translations of the Bible. Around 50,000 copies in seven additions were in circulation the time of his death.

1546 - England - The Archbishop of Canterbury issued a new ban, citing references to church functionaries as "horse-leeches, maggots, and caterpillars in a kingdom." Tyndale's works were to be burned when found.

1555 - England - Queen Mary issued a ban for false doctrines against the Catholic faith.


BBC. "William Tyndale." BBC, 2017. Retrieved 17 November 24 from

Christianity Today. "William Tyndale." Christianity Today, 2017. Retrieved on 17 November 23 from

Doyle, Robert P. "Banned Books: Challenging Our Freedom to Read." American Library Association, 2014.

Tyndale, William. "William Tyndale's New Testament." Wordsworth Classics of World Literature, 2002.

Peyton Place by Grace Metalious

A small New England town is rocked by the scandal of everyday life in one of the most forgotten popular books of the twentieth century.


1957 - Tennessee - Knoxville activated a city ordinance that said the City Board of Review could block items deemed obscene. Local booksellers were forbidden to sell it. One newsstand owner challenged the ordinance and it was ruled unconsitutional.


Ireland - Banned until the introduction of the Censorship of Publications Bill in 1967.

Canada - Temporary ban lifted

1959 - Rhode Island - The Rhonde Island Commission to Encourage Morality in Youth bought action against Bantam and three other New York paperback publishers. The Rhode Island Superior Court upheld the decision, which was later reversed by the U.S. Supreme Court in Bantam Boos, Inc, et al, v. Joseph A Sullivan, et al.


Callahan, Michael. "Peyton Places' Real Victim." Vanity Fair. Retrieved on 2017 Nov 1 from

Doyle, Robert P. "Banned Books: Challenging Our Freedom to Read." American Library Association, 2014.

Metalious, Grace. "Peyton Place." Northeastern Univsersity Press. Boston, 1956, 1999.

Blood and Chocolate by Annette Curtis Klause

Sex and violence abound as we meet Vivian, a young werewolf trying to make her way in the world and get some hot man meat. Possibly by eating him.


2001 - Texas - Temporarily pulled from LaPorte Independent School District library shelves for review and possibly amend its selection policies

#57 Top 100 Banned/Challenged Books: 2000-2009

South Carolina

teacher called it 'low-level filth that corrupts'

Greenville schools removed the book but eventually returned it to the shelves


woman called author at her work to say she was asking for the book to be removed from her daughter's high school library because, in author's words, "I had allowed a teenaged girl to accept and even revel in her own sexuality."

"Cullen Middle School... stated that the book contained profanity, sexual content or nudity, and violence or horror."

Contains (according to Common Sense Media) violence, sex, language, consumerism, drinking, drugs, and smoking


ALA. "Top 100 Banned/Challenged Books: 2000-2009." Retrieved on 17 Aug 01 from

Ehrlich, Brenna. "WHAT DID THIS YA AUTHOR DO TO GET BANNED FROM SCHOOL LIBRARIES?" MTV News, 2014. Retrieved 2017 September 29 from

Doyle, Robert P. Banned Books: Challenging Our Freedom to Read. ALA. 2014.

Klause, Annette Curtis. Blood and Chocolate. Delacorte Press, 1997.

Wheadon, Carrie R. "Blood and Chocolate book review." Common Sense Media. Retrieved 2017 September 29 from

YALSA 1998 Best Books. Retrieved Sept 29, 2017 from

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"Dances and Dames." Kevin MacLeod ( Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0.

Blood and Chocolate
By Annette Curtis Klause

Stephen King's It

It: A Novel
By Stephen King

Part 1 - We start at the beginning with the murders of a little boy and a gay man while Stan, Richie, Ben, Eddie, and Beverly are called home because they promised.



Nebraska - Challenged in Lincoln school libraries because of the novel's "corruptive, obscene nature."


New York - Placed on a "closed shelf" a the Franklinville Central High School library for sexual content, violence, and language. Parental permission required to check out by students.


ALA. "Top 100 Banned/Challenged Books: 2000-2009." Retrieved on 17 Aug 01 from

Doyle, Robert P. Banned Books: Challenging Our Freedom to Read. ALA, 2014.

King, Stephen. "It." Pocket Books. New York: 2016.

King, Stephen. "Book-Banners: Adventure in Censorship Is Stranger Than Fiction, The.", 2000-2012. Retrieved on 17 Aug 22 from

Schnelbach, Leah. "Stephen King: An Unlikely Lifeline In Turbulent Waters." Macmillian, 2017. Retrieved on 17 Aug 22 from

World's Without End. "1987 Award Winners and Nominees.", 2017. Retrieved on 17 Aug 22 from

Summer of My German Soldier by Bette Greene

We begin with the book that taught us that Germans are people, too! Young Patty learns about the world in her small town.

If you or anyone you know is a victim of domestic abuse, please do not be afraid to reach out.  You are not alone and please know that someone loves you and wants you to be okay.  Reach out at or call The Childhelp National Child Abuse Hotline 1-800-4-A-CHILD (1-800-422-4453) or at your local school, shelter, or safe place.


1990 - Connecticut - Challeged in curriculum at Burlington and Hawinton schools for profanity and "subject matter that set bad examples and gives students negative views of life."

1996 - New Jersey - Temporarily removed from 8th grade supplemental reading list in Cinnaminson for "offiensive racial stereotypes."

2002 - Challenged for racism, offensive language, and being sexually explicit.

#55 Top 100 Banned/Challenged Books: 2000-2009


ALA. "Top 100 Banned/Challenged Books: 2000-2009." Retrieved on 17 Aug 01 from

Doyle, Robert P. Banned Books: Challenging Our Freedom to Read. ALA. 2014.

Greene, Bette. Summer of My German Soldier. Bantam Starfire. 1983.

Marshall University Libraries. "SUMMER OF MY GERMAN SOLDIER." Retrieved on 17 Aug 01 from

Looking for Alaska by John Green

Looking for Alaska
By John Green

An angsty kid meet some new friends in this heartbreaking tale of whiny smokers cussing a lot.


2008 - New York - Challenged, but retained for the 11th grade Regents English classes in Depew despite concerns about graphic language and sexual content. The school sent parents a letter requesting permission to use the novel and only 3 students were denied permission.

2012 - Tennessee - Challenged as required reading for Knox County High Schools' Honors and as Advanced Placement outside readings for English II because of "inappropriate language." School Superintendent Dr. James P. McIntyre, Jr. said that a parent identified this as an issue and the book was removed from the required reading list. He didn't say whether the book was still in the schools.


Colorado - Parents of Fort Lupton Middle and High School challenged the books use in a 9th grade classrooms for sexual and alcohol content

Tennessee - Banned as required reading for Sumner County schools by the director of schools because of a sex scene that was "a bit much" and  "inappropriate language." The book was retained in the libraries.

2014 - New Jersey - Challenged in the Verona High School curriculum because a parent found the sexual nature of the story inappropriate.

2015 - Wisconsin - Challenged, but retained in the Waukesha South High School despite claims the book is "too racy to read."


Kentucky - Marion County parent complained about book being included on 12th grade english, "calls the novel “filth” and lists his fear that the book would tempt students “to experiment with pornography, sex, drugs, alcohol and profanity.”" The book was removed from circulation until the school committee reached a decision. "Another resident has written to the local paper describing the novel as “mental pornography” and detailing the number of times the “‘f’ word” is used (16) and the the “‘sh’ word” is used (27)."

New Jersey - Challenged, but retained in the Lumberton Township middle school despite a parent questioning its "sexual content."


Doyle, Robert P. Banned Books: Challenging Our Freedom to Read. ALA. 2014.

Guardian - John Green fights back against banning of Looking for Alaska

Guardian - US battle over banning Looking for Alaska continues in Kentucky

Marshall University Libraries - Banned Books - Looking for Alaska

National Coalation Against Censorship - Looking for Alaska Under Fire in Kentucky - N.J. school district bans John Green's 'Looking for Alaska'

Office of Intellectual Freedom Blog - Here and Here

School Library Journal - Ban on John Green’s ‘Looking for Alaska’ Sparks Anger

School Library Journal - John Green Says ‘Looking for Alaska’ Challenged by Colorado Parents

Two Boys Kissing by David Levithan

Two Boys Kissing
By David Levithan

Two boys try to set a world record for kissing after their friend is beaten in this YA novel. One lady tried to get it thrown out of libraries for sexual content.

National Book Award longlist

Stonewall Honor Book

Inspired by true events


Cover image of two boys kissing - author states that the cover shows what happens in the book and does not lie. When asked if this would discourage LGBT teens from openly reading or checking out the book from libraries, the author conceded this was possible but says that having the book in the library, representing the community, and normalizing the subject is more important.

#5 on the ALA's Top 10 Banned and Challenged of 2016

2014 - Virginia - A parent filed a complaint with Fauqier County Schools to remove the book after reviewing 46 sample pages on and disagreeing with the sexual content (claiming not the homosexual content). The school refused to remove the material from the libraries. On appeal to the school board committee, a unanimous vote allowed the book to stay in the school libraries.

2016 - "condones public displays of affection"

2019 - Iowa - Religious activist Robert Dorr checked out the book and two other from Orange City Public Library and posted a video of himself burning the books. Dorr was convicted of criminal mischief and forced to pay a fine.


Aviles, Gwen. “Religious activist convicted for burning LGBTQ library books.” August 7, 2019. Retrieved August 12, 2019 from

Request to Ban ‘Two Boys Kissing’ from Virginia High School Library Denied - School Library Journal

Spotlight on Censorship: ‘Two Boys Kissing’ - Intellectual Freedom Blog

This One Summer Tops ALA’s Top Ten Challenged Books List - Comic Book Legal Defense Fund

TWO BOYS KISSING - Marshall University Libraries

Two Boys Kissing - National Coalition Against Censorship wiki

Two Boys Kissing Stays on Shelves in Virginia School System (For Now) - Comic Boook Legal Defense Fund

I Am Jazz by Jessica Herthel

I Am Jazz
By Jessica Herthel, Jazz Jennings

The autobiography of transgender teen Jazz Jennings, this heartfelt tale is one of acceptance.


2015 - Wisconsin - The Mount Horeb Primary Center planned a reading of the book to educate the students because of a transitioning student. They sent out a letter advising parents. The Liberty Council, a recognized hate group, sent a letter threatening to sue based on "inappropriate discusion of gender confusion and sexuality" with primary students. The school cancelled the reading. Local parents decided to hold a reading at a local library, attended by the author, with an audience of approximately 600.

#3 Top Ten Challenged of 2015, #4 Top Ten Challenged of 2016


My trans picture book was challenged – but the answer to hate speech is more speech

I Am Jazz Authors Call Readers to Action for Banned Books Week

I am Jazz Tag - OIF blog

I AM JAZZ - Marshall University Libraries

George by Alex Gino

By Alex Gino

Rule Number 1 of Cheer Club: You don't talk about Cheer Club.


Banned or censored for containing transgender characters and "sexuality was not appropriate at elementary levels."

Family Research Council (and other Christian groups) claim the book will confuse kids about gender issues.


Christian groups slam transgender book 'George,' saying it will only confuse kids

Goodreads - George by Alex Gino

Spotlight on Censorship: ‘George’